Art in all its states

The city may be a city of art and history, but it is no less modern and vibrant. To be convinced of this, you just have to visit the FRAC (Regional Fund of Contemporary Art) and its original works. Or to walk the streets of the city where every year original works of street-art created within the framework of the Bien Urbain festival organized in June by the association Juste Ici flourish. In their own way, the galleries and stores of art craftsmen that dot the city will also show you that contemporary art is not an empty word in the Comtois capital.


Modern and contemporary art

Modern and contemporary art lovers have plenty to enjoy in Besançon. At the Fonds Régional d'Art Contemporain (Frac), to start with, a high place of creation to discover at the Cité des Arts. But contemporary art also appears in the street. Every other year, during the month of June, the association Juste Ici organizes the BIEN URBAIN festival in Besançon. Since its creation in 2011, hundreds of works have been created by artists of various nationalities. Some of them are still visible in the public space, to be admired here or there, during a recreational and artistic stroll.

Partner member

Manufacture horlogère Utinam

Partner member

Globe Sauter


Étonner la catastrophe

Art in the city

In Besançon, art is also exposed in the city. You will be able to see works of art while walking around the city. Among them, imposing sculptures, like the Delta du Doubs by François Morellet, at the foot of the Citadel, and the Minotaur by Jens Boettcher, along the ramparts. And many other artistic treasures to discover along the streets or in the parks: ornamental fountains, painted walls...


Le Delta du Doubs


Mosaïque Lumière


Le Minotaure

Places of culture in Besançon

Culture is very present here in the capital of the Comte. Lovers of live shows can choose from the program of the 2 Scènes (which includes the Espace and the Ledoux theater) and the Centre Dramatique National (CDN). As for the cinema, there is plenty to do at the Kursaal and in the 16 cinemas in the city, spread over 3 multiplexes. Not to mention the events organized throughout the year, at the Micropolis Exhibition and Convention Center, in the cultural venues of Bisonne such as La Rodia or the Scénacle, but also in bookstores, art galleries...


La Comédie de Besançon Café Théâtre


Librairie Réservoir Books

Partner member

Micropolis, Parc des expositions

Art and crafts

City of art and history, Besançon has many artists and craftsmen on its territory. Discover their creations and know-how in the craft stores, art galleries, and various exhibition places that dot the city. Or go and meet them during workshops and events organized in the city throughout the year.


Galerie Bertrand-Hassoun


La Boutique des Créateurs

Partner member

Le Chemin des Sens - Art et artisanat d'art

© Crédits photos : ©Ville de Besançon - Grand Besançon Métropole, ©Gilles Pincemaille pour Besançon Boosteur de Bonheur